
Pray for Japan !

An 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Japan, near the city of Sendai, on the afternoon of March 11, 2011. 

The earthquake generated a massive tsunami with waves as high as 30 feet, immediately resulting in floods, fires and the closure of airports and transit systems.  

Thousands of people are either dead or missing, and homes, fields and towns have been destroyed by the flooding. :(

A nuclear crisis was triggered at the Fukushima plant when the power was knocked out and back-up generators needed for the reactors' cooling systems were destroyed.
Desperate attempts to cool the overheating reactors, which have been rocked by a series of explosions, are continuing amid fears of a total meltdown and dangerous radioactive fallout.


The number of confirmed deaths continues to rise: the figure now tops 5,000, with over 8,000 people still missing. Hundreds of thousands are staying in temporary shelters and are in desperate need of food and water.

*May God Bless Japan *

Please Pray:

* For all those whose loved ones have died or are missing; pray that they will be comforted and that many of those missing will be found alive.

* For the rescue efforts, that the Japanese authorities will have wisdom as they attempt to reach those in the greatest need and allocate supplies. 

* That efforts to cool the reactors at the Fukushima power plant will be successful and a full-scale nuclear disaster will be averted.

* For Christian organisations and churches who are distributing aid; pray that Christians will stand strong in their faith and be distinctively Christ-like in the way they help and care for the suffering, that they will be salt and light in this situation.

* Only one per cent of Japanese people consider themselves Christians; pray that this unprecedented disaster will prompt others to turn to the Lord Jesus. 


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